This year is the 80th Anniversary of D-Day. To mark the occasion, Thatcham Town Council have announced they will be attending two local commemorative events, both taking place on Thursday 6 June.
At 11am Thatcham Town Council will be supporting The Royal British Legion Thatcham Branch, as they conduct an act of commemoration at Thatcham Memorial Gardens (Brownfield Road, Thatcham). All attendees will be invited to the Town Council Chamber following the service where refreshments will be served.
In the evening, the Beacon Lighting event will take place at Greenham Control Tower, with entertainment starting from 6.00pm. Kennet Radio will be there as well as a dance floor, fish and chips and liquid refreshments, which will continue after the Tower Lighting takes place at 9:15pm. Thatcham Town Council will be there supporting the event alongside Greenham Parish Council and Newbury Town Council.
For the event at Greenham Control Tower, Thatcham Town Council is providing a free courtesy shuttle bus, run by Newbury and District Buses, taking members of the public who may wish to attend the commemorations.
The buses will leave from:
• Thatcham Broadway, outside Morrisons: at 7:15pm and 7:45pm
• Thatcham Football Club: at 7:30pm and 8pm
Return journeys will leave from:
• Greenham Control Tower: at 9:45pm and 10:15pm
You are welcome to just turn up at these times and locations but to guarantee a space on the bus, please email with the following key information:
• Names of all those requiring the free courtesy bus service
• Location and time required
• Bus leave time from Tower required (9:45pm or 10:15pm)
Everyone is welcome to attend both events, no booking required. For further information, please get in touch with Thatcham Town Council.