Heat pumps are one of the forms of low carbon heating that are critical to the UK’s transition to net zero. They use electricity – so can be powered by renewables – and are 2-3 times cheaper than standard electric heating.
Millions of heat pumps are already heating homes very effectively across Europe. But lots of misconceptions around them still exist in Britain.
At Centre for Sustainable Energy we’re involved in several projects seeking to improve the energy efficiency of UK homes and increase the uptake of heat pumps.
Here’s some of our recently updated heat pump content.
If you have any questions about heat pumps, or want to discuss other ways of reducing your home gas or electricity bill, please contact the Cosier Homes Advice Service on 0800 038 6345.
Everything you should know about heat pumps
As more and more people look for ways to reduce their home’s carbon footprint, heat pumps are becoming increasingly popular. But what is a heat pump? How does it work? Will one work in your home? Check out our new heat pump advice page for answers to all your questions.
Heat pump mythbuster: your heat pump questions answered
Heat pumps get some bad press — we’re here to fix that! In this mythbuster video our Retrofit Coordinator, Joe, tackles some of the common myths and misconceptions about heat pumps.
My heat pump and me
Ever wondered what the process of getting a heat pump is like? In this blog Rachel shares her experience of having a 7kW heat pump installed, alongside other measures to improve the energy efficiency of her home.
Why measuring heat loss is important before choosing a heat pump
Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) ratings only scratch the surface of a home’s energy efficiency. Accurate heat loss testing ensures a clearer picture, removing the guesswork so that the right heat pumps can be matched with the right homes. Find out more
Are heat pumps suitable for old homes?
People often assume that heat pumps won’t work in older homes, but that’s not always the case. David’s home was built in 1790. You might be surprised by the results of the heat loss survey we conducted for him… Read his story here.
Support for your heat pump journey
If you’re interested in a heat pump or other home energy efficiency improvements, but unsure where to start, there’s lots of support out there. The Cosier Homes Advice Service offers free, impartial advice on renewable technology and how to save money on your energy bills.
To get advice from one of our City & Guilds trained energy advisors, please do give us a call on 0800 038 6345, send us an email or fill in our online self-referral form.
Author: Penny Post
Penny Post is a community notice board serving West Berkshire, Wantage, Swindon, Marlborough and surrounding areas so there