Age Concern Newbury which runs the Fair Close Centre on Newtown Road, has widened its activities and is now running the restaurant at Redwood House in Hungerford where it provides a two-course hot meal for seniors (especially those with mobility issues) and vulnerable adults. Non-Redwood House residents are very welcome.
We have some lovely volunteers without whom this service is not possible. Due to growing popularity we need a few more helpers to welcome and seat the guests, serve the food and clear up afterwards (no cooking will be required).
The shifts are currently from 11.30am to 1.30pm Mondays to Thursdays.
We also need drivers to join the rota to pick up food from the Fair Close kitchen.
If you are interested but can can only make one shift a week or wouldn’t be able to commit regularly, we’d still love to hear from you.
How to apply for the position of lunchtime volunteer
Please email James Wilcox at or 07972 058 378.