Report of this year’s Lambourn Carnival events by Louise Wilkin
Since Covid19 successfully scuppered our plans for Carnival this year, we came up with a Plan B. On Carnival Day, Sunday 30 August, we invited Lambourn residents to have a picnic or BBQ in their front gardens and to decorate their gardens and dress up in fancy dress. We called it Picnic on the Porch and we ran a competition for the best turned out gardens and fancy dress. The result was a very happy day; there were lots of entries in the competition and other families and groups had entered into the spirit as well with several more parties taking place around the village. The entries to the competition were amazing, all very different and all very inventive, although this made it very difficult to judge! They were all wonderful in their own way.
Special thanks to our judge, the former National Hunt jockey Colin Brown, who manfully sorted out the scoring; John Brunskill who drove us round in his classic Land Rover, complete with bunting; Richard Hart with his super County Discos music; and Jim Bracy who provided and drove the lorry. We are also grateful to Noll Country Garden Services for their sponsorship.
In addition to Picnic on the Porch we were also able to run a couple of our regular events. The Car Treasure Hunt, which had a record number of entries; the Scarecrow competition with the theme this year being Key Workers; and a Garden Competition, a scaled down version of our Village Show which concentrated on gardens, tubs and hanging baskets, missing out the usual array of veg, cakes and crafts.
We were delighted at the number of entries in these different events, and the complimentary comments on facebook afterwards. So Thank You to everyone who took part and who supported our efforts.
The results of the various events are as follows:
Picnic on the Porch:
Decorated House or Garden: 1st Kiri Fowler’s Lambourn on Safari 2nd Jane McCarthy’s Special Birthday 3rd Tessa Brown’s Ponderosa Circus
Fancy Dress in a Group: 1st Tessa Brown’s Ponderosa Circus 2nd (tied) Mags Jackson’s Hedgeland Pirates and the Mooney’s Drive by Movies
Fancy Dress Adult: Chris “leopard skin man”, Ponderosa Circus 2nd Nora Batty, Back to the 80’s
Fancy Dress Child: 1st Popcorn girl at Ponderosa Circus 2nd Beauty & the Beast, Darcy at Highlands
Highly Commended: the young rowing boat pirate at Hedgeland and Noah’s Ark, the Classics
Car Treasure Hunt:
1st Peaky Finders 2nd Jazz Hands 3rd Minus 1
1st – Jo Harbinson St Michaels Close
2nd – Pete Penfold – Oxford St/Wantage Rd
3rd – Sharon Mooney – Oxford St/Wantage Rd.
Special Mention to Summer Richardson and Darcey Nolan who made amazing scarecrows that made the Judges smile.
Garden competition:
Best flower garden: 1st Robert Read 2nd George Bodman
Best Small Garden: 1st Kirsty Furness 2nd Derek Povey 3rd Mr G & Mrs M Smith
Best hanging basket: 1st Derek Povey 2nd Trudy Dean
Best tub/planter: 1st Derek Povey 2nd Mr G & Mrs M Smith 3rd Trudy Dean
Best Large Garden: 1st Louise Wilkin 2nd Colin Underhill-Smith 3rd Linda Hawkins
Stop Motion Movie Competition
Winner: See you later alligator by Abigail Berry (16 yrs old)
Author: Penny Post
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