Tragedy Memorial Consultation at St Lawrence’s Church

st lawrences-church

St Lawrence’s is at the planning stage of a new development of the church building. This will affect the current Tragedy Memorial and everyone connected with it is invited to submit their views on the best way forward. In summary, the plan is to glaze in the area under the balcony to create a hall area which will be used for children’s church, the ABC nursery and other meetings. On the balcony, we will glaze the areas either side of the organ to create new vestry and office areas. The current Tragedy Memorial is on the side wall of the vestry which will be removed as part of this work.

The PCC is agreed that we wish to retain a memorial in the church to those who lost their lives in August 1987. It has proposed two options:

  1. Cut out the part of the wall containing the memorial frame it and display it somewhere else in the church.
  2. Replace the existing memorial with a similar design etched into one of the glass panels around the new hall.

Option 1 retains the existing memorial but as it is painted on faced plaster board it is not likely to retain the required dignity if it is removed and framed. Option 2 gives us a chance to create a new memorial that will be an integral part of the church.

At Hungerford Town Council’s Full Council meeting on 1 June, a third option was proposed, to make a high-resolution photograph of the current Tragedy Memorial which could then be printed onto whatever material was agreed.

How to comment

We would welcome your views on the best way to commemorate the Tragedy before 22 June. Please contact; by email or post:

Reverend Mike Saunders, Vicar of Hungerford on; or
George Ham, Churchwarden on
St Lawrence’s Church, Parsonage Lane, Hungerford RG17 0JB

Penny Post
Author: Penny Post

Penny Post is a community notice board serving West Berkshire, Wantage, Swindon, Marlborough and surrounding areas so there


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